11 UEA moments which automatically make you feel like a functioning adult
When you realise you have responsibilities and life isn’t Freshers forever
According to Google, adulthood is when full “intellectual” maturity has been attainted. When looking at fellow peers (and myself) at UEA I would be concerned if this was entirely true. However, becoming more mature is part of university life and allows us to leave Norwich to “spread our wings”, or not in some people cases.
There is the slight factor of having a lockdown for almost two years so the jump from 19 to 21 was a blink. Even though mentally I am still 20 (as I subtract the two years I’ve lost to COVID) I can’t deny the moments that make me feel like a functioning adult. Some of these moments aren’t even in the mundane chores like doing my washing, it is even in situations that I used to find fun. Suddenly going out three times a week is not as sustainable when hangovers and anxiety cripple you for days. This isn’t to say anyone themselves is boring, but actually we just need to embrace the boring.
1. Going to Bar & Beyond and instantly leaving
If you have ever been here, I can’t say it’s my top choice. I recently ended up here on a Saturday night and it’s an experience to say the least.
2. Picking third year modules
This moment foreshadows the end of your degree and that you do actually have to leave university to get a job.
3. Making your own coffee
Normally I do this, then proceed to buy another coffee on campus. It’s the thought that counts.
4. Going to an overpriced wine bar
The question of “why” does this happen isn’t clear. I think pretending you can afford it that is the problem.
5. Going to lectures hungover
Maybe you don’t necessarily feel like a “functioning” adult but you are making smart choices.
6. Emailing the landlord
When you explain what is wrong with the boiler for the 10th time whilst trying hard to make it sound like you didn’t break it yourself. Disclaimer: that is not a real email and I wouldn’t email landlords like that.
7. Having to make your bed at 3am
That one day you change your sheets and come back drunk to find you need to make your bed, but maybe that was just me.
8. Lighting a candle for ambiance
Candles really make you feel like your life is put together. Whilst ignoring the fact that you are drinking wine on a Monday evening.
9. Using dating apps
I think I would malfunction if I tried to date anyone from these apps at UEA.
10. Turning 22
The most common phrase I hear now is “I forget you are 22”. It’ 22 not 30 guys!
11. Getting excited about going to ALDI
When you go to leave and discover your housemate going as well, it doesn’t get better than that.
12. Even thinking about the end of your degree
Going home for a month during Easter feels too much so god knows how I will when I actually graduate.
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