13 subtle ways to drop into conversation that you go to Lancs Uni
Because you don’t want to be obvious now that we’re no longer top 10
Sometimes, it’s great to be really obvious about where you go to uni, bragging about the college system, the beautiful campus and easy access to the Lake District. However, sometimes you just have to drop it into a conversation and presume that people know where you are talking about. It can be quite funny too, particularly if you are at a family gathering and haven’t seen whatshername in years and feel like having some fun with them. Here are the best ways to let people know where you study without saying “Lancaster”.
‘I got stuck behind someone on the Spine’
Slow walkers are the bane of everyone’s existence, but they seem to multiply on what has to be one of the narrowest walkways in existence. And the Spine is a pretty unique name – it’s going to give away that you go to Lancaster.
‘I hate taking the 100’
There must be many bus routes called the 100, but I doubt there can be as many as universally hated as ours. Does it have to go EVERYWHERE?
‘It’s been ages since I’ve had a Grizedale 2-4-1 cocktail’
Grizedale’s 2-4-1 deals are legendary, to the extent that most students have heard about them even before they arrive for Freshers Week. It’s a fail-safe way to mention that you go here without referencing anything too specific to the Lancaster area.
‘Is the cake lady going to be at the market this week?’
The Thursday farmers markets are a lovely treat for the student bored to tears of studying in the library, even more so when the lovely lady from Cake Up North is there. I know of people who would only message their flatmates when they saw her. That’s how beloved she is to us all.
‘We went to Sultans on the way home last night’
When you’re drunk, is there anything better to hear than being told to grab a free bottle of water? I’ll wait.
‘We queued for Greggs for thirty minutes last week’
At this point, Greggs is synonymous with Lancaster, and I don’t think any of us are ashamed of us. Nothing beats a cheeky steak bake after a long study session in the library, and no one minds queuing for obscene amounts of time to make this happen.
‘Have you seen the ducks today?’
The ducks are a sure-fire thing that not too many universities have, viscous yet cute. And even then, we’re probably the most invested in their well being. This question is an easy way to indicate where you go – or that you’re obsessed with ducks.
‘I had way too many VKs last night.’ (Usually accompanied by a groan)
Need I say any more?
‘I’ve got five minutes to get from Charles Carter to Bowland North’
Naming specific buildings on campus is probably a little bit too niche for many people, but if you know, then you know, and it is a really good way to let people know that you go to Lancaster. Of course, you could leave people wondering who one earth Charles Carter is, but isn’t that just part of the mystery?
Literally, anything about which college you are in
The college system makes Lancaster stand out as a university and, as such, is a perfect way to drop into a conversation where you go. Mention County, Bowland or Pendle next time you’re talking someone, and they might think you’re talking about the place for a little while, but if you mention all of them in quick succession, they’ll soon pick up on it.
‘Sugar or Glow?’
Fairly unique club names are handy, and only having two in town means that we don’t have to rattle off a long list every night. It can be quite handy to drop them into a conversation when you’re trying to hint at where you spend your evenings.
“Just let me find my Sport Lancaster hoodie”
I suppose this one does actually have the word ‘Lancaster’ in it, which is a giveaway, but it isn’t explicitly stating where you go to university, so it still works. And so many have them!
“Where is Roses this year?”
This could be York or Lancaster, but you’re bound to make it work if you use this in conjunction with another.
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