M&S is withdrawing hundreds of products from Northern Ireland, including Percy Pigs
This little piggy (didn’t go) to Northern Ireland

QUBSU workers win furlough pay battle following recent protests
It comes after unionised student workers demanded that the university reinstated them on the furlough scheme

A former QUB student has won a £20k lawsuit against the uni
Sarah Walker felt discriminated against due to her disability

‘I dropped out because the racism was so bad’: QUB students speak out about campus racism
One transferred to Manchester

14 people have been fined for attending a party which broke lockdown restrictions in the Holylands
The PSNI made one arrest and fined 14 others

Queen’s University Belfast launches on-campus asymptomatic testing programme
On-campus testing begins on Monday 23rd November

QUB debating society have problematically platformed Ann Widdecombe
*scrolls through notes* Why though?