Cambridge University students withdraw their encampment from Senate House lawn
Student protestors have withdrawn from Senate House after the university agreed to negotiate

Cambridge SU officer resigns over university’s response to conflict in Gaza
Sabbatical officer Harvey Brown has criticised both the SU and university’s response to the conflict

Review: Penelope Quadrangle and the Meaning of Friendship
‘Siri… play my pleasantly surprised playlist’

Cambridge University May balls increase accessibility adjustments
Many college May Balls are making changes to widen accessibility

Cambridge University students expand pro-Palestine encampment to lawn outside Senate House
Graduations are scheduled to be held at Senate House this Friday

Review: Still Life
Glimpses of soft-spoken love and charming flirtations before the whistle blows for the train ride home

The best Cambridge University libraries for all your revision needs this Easter term
From romanticising your studies to taking a nap

Mental health, anxieties and imposter-syndrome: A near-year introspective into Cambridge
Exploring the insecurities that made up my first year at Cambridge

Cambridge University stops funding for ADHD and Autism diagnoses
The Crane Fund will no longer offer financial support for diagnosing Autism and ADHD