Cardiff University increases security after student laptop thefts from library
South Wales Police is ‘working with the university to raise awareness with staff’
Cardiff University will be increasing the security in their libraries after multiple incidents resulting in thefts.
Last month, a male intruder broke into Cardiff University’s Arts and Social Studies library stealing a students’ laptop on the ground floor study space.
Witnesses allegedly watched as the thief ran off with the stolen technology to get into a car parked on the other side of Corbett Road.
Molly, a first year journalism student, who witnessed the event said: “Library staff appeared distressed, shouting after the thief” with a librarian allegedly declaring it as the “third instance recently.”
Students often leave personal belongings in the library unattended, especially during exam season.
This is a common occurrence, exemplified by Tommy, a second year student at Cardiff Uni who added: “I normally leave my laptop in the library on a table while I go down to the Costa in town.”
A Cardiff University spokesperson told The Cardiff Tab: “We are aware of a number of attempted thefts in our libraries. Despite 24-hour university security and a network of CCTV cameras across campus, thefts and attempted thefts of expensive items like mobile phones and laptops do occasionally happen.
“These incidents have been reported to South Wales Police and University security continue to assist them with their enquiries.
“As a precautionary measure, we have increased the number of University security patrols across our library network and we are working with library colleagues to remind them of following crime prevention measures.
“There is also a need for students – and staff – to play their part. We’d ask students to carry their University ID and to remain vigilant; to keep personal belongings out of sight, particularly mobile phones, wallets and laptop bags and; to never leave bags and phones unattended.
“If you see anyone acting suspiciously, you should report it immediately to security on (0)29 2087 4444. Staff and students can also download and use the Safezone app, which is a quick and easy way to alert security.”
A spokesperson from South Wales Police told The Cardiff Tab: “South Wales is investigating a number of recent library thefts from Cardiff University libraries. We are working with the University to raise awareness with staff and increasing our patrols in these locations. As always, we ask people to be vigilant and to report suspicious behaviour.”
Cardiff University’s library regulations published on its website state in the case of stolen items that crime reference number will be required and instances will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
If you have been affected or know anything that could help, South Wales Police have an online portal you can report to.