Clubbers of the Week: Barely out the door in Week Four
What’s a midterm? What’s a deadline?
Well, we’ve made it to Week Four and morale is shockingly high. Not long until Valentine’s Day and our favourite clubbers find themselves in the back alleys of Cowgate desperately trying to find themselves a last-minute date. I’m not judging – so long as you don’t decide to look in Big Cheese.
Stunner of the Week

Yes, yes you would
Runners up

Girly on the left – what’s with the side-eye?

Hope you had a good birthday, queen

I am a girls girl but I still can’t help but be envious

We love pretty friend groups
Creeper of the Week

The long-awaited return of the Subway creep!
Runners up

He’s just not subtle about it

This is the most wholesome creeper I’ve ever seen

If you look closely, you’ll see two creepers in this one
Wanker of the Week

Did you seriously pose like this and expect to get away with it??
Runners up

You guys do know what smiling is…right?

Tell me you went to the races without telling me you went to the races:

“Rah can someone play some dutty drum and bass”

The mewing epidemic must stop
Hero of the Week

I mean you’re not my hero but I’m sure you’re someone’s
Runners up

A special shoutout in this weeks heroes category to all the bar staff, thanks for understanding my drunken rambling x

Even off-duty you guys are slaying

Not all heroes wear capes but they do pour overpriced doubles

That hat was a paid actor
Heroine of the Week

Can’t forget the ladies too
Runners up

You get to be in it twice because that’s how much I appreciate you

Couldn’t have said it better myself

You guys are also stunners but you’re carrying the vibes for WhyNot and for that, you are true heroines

Throwing wild shapes at Big Cheese takes a lot of courage
WTF moment of the Week

Vegans look away
Runners up

I hope you’re noticing that most of the WTFs have come from Big Cheese

Condiments not condoms

What in the school disco is this??

Digital footprint is real I hope you guys know that
Unhappy Clubber of the Week

I give him about five seconds before he chunders
Runners up

Forget the guy in the orange, I just want to know who hurt my guy in the back

Either bro’s breath is kicking or someone doesn’t like Subway

Were you forced to take this picture?? It’s okay you can tell me!

How I feel when I take a tequila shot vs how I try to act
Best of the Rest

Tama Tuesday can’t come around quicker

And what in the private school is this??

Am I out of the loop or…?

If anyone can provide me with some context on these costumes, that would be appreciated.

Guess who wasn’t ready for the photo! (super hard)

This heart isn’t aligned and it’s stressing me out

Single-handedly carrying Big Cheese

The “this was in Saltburn sign” better not be about the grave scene

Tell me what the notif says!!

This outfit deserves a post of its own tbh
Photographer Credits
David Stewart: Subway Cowgate
Kealan Bond: Why Not Nightclub
Tracey Largue: Big Cheese