Clubbers of the Week: Week nine
Deadlines can’t separate us from Kazzy B
Despite this week being one of the busiest weeks of the semester with deadlines coming at us thick and fast, you guys produced some real gold.
The Tab Coventry appreciates all of you, all the fits you wear, all the shapes you throw and all the drinks you spill. Check out our gallery and have a little sob if you aren't featured.
Squad of the Week
What's a better way to celebrate I'm a Celeb than I'm a Celeb theme?!
Runners up
Genuinely how do you even have that many mates?
Most WTF moments
What a fuckin geezer
Some future careers prospects there girls x
Why does this guy love inflatables so much? Analyse (10 marks)
I swear you lot could definitely win a few limbo competitions
This pic is honestly a modern renaissance painting
Sleepers of the Week
Deadlines got me like
Babe those glasses aren't hiding anything
Honestly guys just give me 10
This guys already dressed for bed and all
When he's cute but so bloody boring
Clearly just went round the club sending birds to sleep
Best facial expressions
This guy perfectly performed the tongue emoji for sure
Literally every face I look at is gold
Biggest mood of the week
Crowd surfing on a lilo? completed it mate
Meme of the week
This guy is literally the Russian cat meme
Biggest wankers of the week
This is the worst boyband I've ever seen
Accessorising with a hickey and EA7? Bro it's 2019 now you cant do that
I don't know what it is about these guys but yeah
Nipples, chest hair, bucket hats, shaved eyebrows all in one pic
Best Photobombs
Gal in the background is having a rough time it seems
Dunno who brought their dad to day sessions but crack on kids
And VOILA! That's it for Week nine, we'll be back next week for a Grad Week special so make sure you keep up the good work and do your very best to get papped!
Big love see you next week.