Edinburgh students Clubbers of the Week: Woke up a state in Week Eight
Week eight or week ATE??
Mentally on week three but physically on week eight?! The end of term is near and judging by the looks of it…all you clubbers have given up on your essays and deadlines. I’m not complaining though, it makes for excellent content – keep on partying.
Stunner of the Week

I could never look this good on a night out

Drop a hair tutorial ASAP

This may be the prettiest trio to step foot in Subway

The hair on the left and the top on the right…dream duo

Looking at you two smile makes me smile
Creeper of the Week

Zero rizz

Get out of her personal space dude

I think I have seen about 7 versions of this picture…WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS HERE

Blink twice if you need help girly

It’s the unknown

There is no reason to be stood in the club like that
Third Wheel of the Week

That is the smile of an empty man

It’s me…I’m the third-wheel

I think a break-up is happening behind you bud

You may see third-wheel but I see a main character

Pointing at her won’t make her leave I’m afraid

That vape is the third wheel, put it away
Wanker of the Week

We have a winner that’s not from WhyNot?????

He was defo doing this whilst Love Story was playing

I genuinely want to know your thought process when picking out this outfit

Eton College’s big day out! Hoorah, hoorah!

If there was a textbook picture of wankers – it would be these two men
Hero of the Week

I’m pretty sure the whole of Edinburgh knows this is a lie but we respect you for giving us content on the weekly


James Bond spotted getting down to Angels in Big Cheese

Don’t tell him this week’s Rugby results

Caught red-handed (or red-lipped)
Heroine of the Week

Why don’t mine sit like that

I think she might be too cool for a Tama Tuesday

There’s something about Why Not that’s just…

This is the coolest back tat I’ve ever seen

She might be throwing shapes a bit too hard, but iconic tbh
WTF Moment of the Week

Was it a dark ages monastery theme this week or? x

Pro-tip, you’re meant to drink from the top… thank me later x

Is this man getting told off by a poster

Did she see her ex or is she about to spew?

What cult type thing is this? Disapprove
Unhappy Clubber of the Week

He is staring into my soul and I don’t like it.

You’re not convincing anyone with that thumbs up buddy

AGAIN…stop doing a thumbs-up if you’re not happy!

“And he did WHAT?!?!”

A live picture of me opening my midterm results
Album Cover of the Week

This could be a coming-of-age romance scene

The Big Cheese camera is really popping off this week

No seriously what was in the air at Big Cheese this week?!

You could tell me this was from Euphoria and I’d believe you
Best of the Rest

For some of them, this is the closest thing to graduation they’ll ever get

(pstt.. you guys know you’re in Edinburgh, right?)

Those fishnets are carrying

“Hands up, they’re playing my song, the butterflies fly away”

Spreading the love this International Women’s Day

Hive is definitely… something

Keep those tongues locked away

I’m sure you’re all nice but you scare me

What’s that in the background? Is that..the UNKNOWN?!

I’m actually not sure what part of this photo I should comment on but it needed to be included

I hope she vlogged the lady selling lollipops in the bathroom

This live footage of a man getting annoyed when a girl rejects him in the club
Photographer Credits
Tracey Largue: Big Cheese
David Stewart: Subway Cowgate
Thomas Image Photography: The Hive
Kealan Bond: Why Not Nightclub