Cov students are emailing their MP’s to push back or cancel exams
They’re calling for exams to be pushed back or cancelled
Coventry University students have begun emailing their MPs calling for exams to be pushed back or cancelled amid the coronavirus outbreak.
The university recently announced they will extend dissertation deadlines but so far, no plans have been announced to cancel or extend the dates of scheduled exams.
The Coventry Tab spoke to International Relations student James Hughes, who emailed his MP. He said: “I think there has been a clear disparity between how the government has responded to further education providers ie Universities and Apprenticeship providers and state mandated education such as primary and secondary schools. The announcement of the cancellation of GCSE/A-Levels but no announcement on university/apprenticeships leaves these students in limbo. I feel the uni were slow to act in closing campus/public buildings such as the library when councils already had begun to do so a week before”.
The student went on to explain: “I am hoping my MP will pressure the Department of Education to ensure there is parity between students and mandate universities to cancel/postpone exams or at least call on Coventry to do so as exams are the last thing students need to be worried about”.

The content of the email sent to his MP
The Coventry Tab received a sample of the email sent to MP’s. It reads as follows: “Dear Mr Bhatti, I hope you are well and keeping healthy during the outbreak and would first like to thank you for the work that all our MP’s and government organisations are doing to help everyone. I wanted to write to you as your constituent to see whether you would be able to assist me in seeking to get my university, Coventry University, to suspend or cancel it’s examinations due to begin at the peak of the virus. I have been in touch with my course director, Head and Deputy Head of School to share my concerns and am happy to provide you with the chain of events thus far.
“In short with the press now reporting that the government widely expecting the ‘peak’ of the virus to be the week commencing the 12th of April and the examination period beginning Tuesday 14th April 2020, I feel it is irresponsible to be asking students to complete important examinations at this time. Students may be poorly with the virus themselves, care for family members whilst at home or even be dealing with the loss of family members due to the virus at short notice meaning the normal plans in place from the Uni may not be fit for purpose”.
The student has said he has the support of course mates and other students in his efforts. We wil update you on this story as we get more information.