Cov students fuming as JJ’s opens an hour late due to fire alarm
A fire brigade was called to the scene
In case you were wondering why you were queuing longer than normal for JJ's this Tuesday, there was a reported fire incident.
JJ's announced through Twitter and Snapchat that there would be a "slight delay" in opening but insisted they would be open from 11pm onwards.
Jason Fox, organiser of JJ's Boom Tuesdays, commented: "Sadly there was no big exciting catastrophe. The fire alarm went off so the fire brigade were called, as is normal procedure. Once they had checked the venue over we opened ready for what turned out to be a full capacity Tuesday night at JJ's". Other staff members at JJ's have corroborated the story.
One Coventry University student who waited in the queue commented: "We weren't allowed in JJ's or Spoons because of the fire thing and I was complaining 'cos I was freezing. So my friend goes 'don't worry about being cold Lisa, I hear they've installed fires inside of JJ's'."
Another student added: "It was annoying because I had to pee so badly, I thought I was gonna die".

It really was lit
Coincidentally, JJ's had been named "the best club in Coventry" in The Coventry Tab only hours before.