Coventry University releases statement supporting Black Lives Matter movement
They also offer their services for support to students and staff
Coventry University have released a statement today on the brutal death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement.
The statement says: “The senseless death of George Floyd has prompted outrage and a demand for change. At the heart of this is a grieving family and our thoughts are with them. We remain angered and appalled by institutional discrimination, recognising that it cuts at the very core of what it is to be human. None of us can claim to be perfect. We see, we hear and we listen and we seek to improve.
“We firmly believe that education is a powerful force in ending discrimination and hatred. Coventry University Group is a diverse community of more than 150 nationalities and we have much to learn from each other. We are stronger when we celebrate our differences while building on what unites us. Recent events have been incredibly distressing – and we realise that some of you may wish to seek support at this time. Our student and staff support services and Students’ Union are here to help”.
The death of George Floyd occurred last week at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis and has sparked a number of protests all over the world with many speaking out against institutional racism and discrimination.