Durham Uni students to receive all marks in November following end of marking boycott
Those who took a resit can expect their results in September
Students at Durham University will receive all marks in November following the end of the marking and assessment boycott.
The boycott, which began on April 20th, has left students without the results of their summer examinations for months.
In an email sent to all students, pro vice chancellor Tony Fawcett outlined that the university has “asked staff to prioritise marking of outstanding assessments”. He also outlined the exact dates students can expect to receive their marks.
All finalists’ marks and grades are set to be published on November 6th, and their degrees conferred the following day. A finalist who took a resit in August can expect their marks a little sooner, on September 21st.
Finalists will then be invited to a graduation ceremony in Spring 2024.
Fawcett outlined to finalists that help from the university will remain available to them. He provides the link to a form which asks the university to liaise with employers or higher education institutes on a student’s behalf.
A student continuing their studies in Durham will have their results published on November 13th. A continuing student who took a resit in August can expect their marks on September 22nd.
Fawcett outlined to continuing students that if they should need to take a resit, they will be notified of this upon receiving their marks. He also outlined that if a continuing student should fail to progress into the next year, they will be refunded fees and accommodation expenses for the next year.
In his email, Fawcett also said: “I appreciate this has been a challenging time for some of you and hope that you will welcome this clarity on dates and next steps.”
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