Every Cambridge May Ball in 2024: Dates, themes and prices
We’re here again doing the work of the people
In the middle of Lent term, it can be hard to imagine life beyond the heavy rain and accumulating essay deadlines. The good news is it’s already time to start planning for a week full of carefree drinking and nights when you don’t have to pay for the cloakroom. You heard me right: it’s time to get your tickets for everyone’s favourite part of the Cambridge experience, the infamous May Week.
But securing tickets for a Cambridge May Ball can be daunting. Especially if it’s your first time, you will be filled with questions. Which colleges are hosting a ball when? What are the price differences? When do tickets come out? What are the themes?
To answer all your questions, I have put together a comprehensive guide to May Week 2024. In date order, here is a list of every event alongside all the important information.
May Week can be expensive so, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the price of the balls listed below, don’t worry – cheaper events hosted by various sports and societies will be announced closer to the time. Another way many Cambridge students tackle the expense is by working at the events (information on this can be found on websites and social media).

Trinity Hall June Event 2023
Robinson May Ball
Date: Friday 14th June
Price: £120-147.50 (Robinson students), £155 (non-Robinson students)
General release date: Thursday 8th February (tickets still available)
Theme: Transcendence
Homerton May Ball
Date: Friday 14th June
Price: TBC
General release date: Wednesday 28th February
Theme: TBC
Sidney Sussex May Ball
Date: Saturday 15th June
Price: £149.50 (Sidney students), £169.50 (non-Sidney students)
General release date: Monday 5th February (tickets still available)
Theme: Eventide
Churchill May Ball
Date: Saturday 15th June
Price: £129-149 (Churchill students), TBC (non-Churchill students)
General release date: TBC
Theme: TBC
Hughes May Ball
Date: Saturday 15th June
Price: TBC
General release date: TBC
Theme: TBC
Murray Edwards Garden Party
Date: Sunday 16th June
Price: TBC
General release date: TBC
Theme: There’s No Place Like Dome (Wizard of Oz)
Emmanuel May Ball
Date: Sunday 16th June
Price: £170 (Emmanuel students), £185 (non-Emmanuel students)
General release date: Wednesday 7th February (sold out)
Theme: Dreamscape
Trinity May Ball
Date: Monday 17th June
Price: TBC
General release: TBC
Jesus May Ball
Date: Monday 17th June
Price: £205 (non-Jesus students)
General release: Thursday 8th February
Theme: Into the Surreal
Clare May Event
Date: Monday 17th June
Price: TBC
General release date: TBC
Theme: Danse macabre
Newnham Garden Party
Date: Tuesday 18th June
Price: £45-50 (Newnham students), TBC (non-Newnham students)
General release date: Friday 16th February
Theme: Myth and magic
Gonville and Caius May Ball
Date: Tuesday 18th June
Price: £189 (Caius students), £199 (non-Caius students)
General release date: Thursday 1st February (sold out)
Theme: Renascentia
Christ’s May Ball
Date: Tuesday 18th June
Price: £175 (Christ’s students), £195 (non-Christ’s students)
General release date: Thursday 1st February (tickets still available)
Theme: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
St John’s May Ball
Date: Tuesday 18th June
Price: £215 (John’s students), £265 (non-John’s students)
General release date: Monday 5th February (sold out)
Pembroke May Ball
Date: Wednesday 19th June
Price: £148 (Pembroke students), £198 (non-Pembroke students)
General release date: Tuesday 13th February
Theme: TBC
King’s Affair
Date: Wednesday 19th June
Price: TBC
General release date: Sunday 18th February
Theme: Puppetry
Trinity Hall June Event
Date: Thursday 20th June
Price: TBC
General release date: Friday 1st March
Theme: TBC
St Catharine’s May Ball
Date: Thursday 20th June
Price: £169 (non-Catz students)
General release date: Monday 29th January (tickets still available)
Theme: Catz Vegas
Peterhouse May Ball
Date: Friday 21st June
Price: £235 (non-Peterhouse)
General release date: Friday 2nd February (standard tickets sold out but queue jump available for £260)
Theme: TBC
Wolfson May Ball
Date: Friday 21st June
Price: £130 (non-Wolfson)
General release date: Saturday 17th February
Theme: Dreamscapes
So now you’re aware of every event happening in May Week 2024, all that’s left for you to do is pick one (and take out a second student loan)!