Everything that’s wrong with the Cov Uni library
Honestly, why do we even bother
It's fair to say that the Lanchester library is simultaneously the best and worst thing about Cov uni. It's a place that can yield hours of productivity and revision with no distractions but it's also the prime location for procrastination and stress. And concealing heavy breathing after walking up the stairs. Every time.
"Anyone going the library tonight?" is an acceptable suggestion for socialising at this point in the year. It's our second home, we love it. Most of the time. Because sometimes the library does nothing but piss you off and you go home feeling worse than when you left. Why? Let me tell you.
The hill is pointless and weird

It's as uncomfortable as it looks
Seriously, what even is it? It's the most uncomfortable and out of place thing in the whole of Coventry. And Cov is pretty ugly, so that's saying something. The least you can do is put cushions on it or something? The lack of plugs here is also an issue.
There's nothing worse than sitting on this monstrosity to do your work and having to stretch your back every five minutes. You're absolutely screwed if you don't at least have your coat to lean on. If you do end up sitting on here to do work, prepare yourself for an uncomfortable all nighter and possibly a few splinters.
The magic book shelves

Spot the right textbook
You're lying if you didn't have to ask a friend or lib assistant how to use these the first time you needed a book. They're awkward, confusing and have huge Harry Potter vibes. Yes they're cool, but can't we just have standard bookshelves? At least we all know where we stand with those.
The dilemma of going to get a book from the shelves but finding out you have to move it to actually access the shelf is not something we need when we're three Red Bulls deep, struggling to meet a 6pm deadline.
The pods on the ground floor

Get out
One of the most frustrating things you'll ever encounter at the library, are people who are on their own yet choose to sit in one of the ground floor pods or a booth. Now no one else can sit there. You're a shit tier Cov uni student if you do this.
There are plenty of other seats to accommodate you and your laptop, all you need is one seat not an entire booth. Don't the bitchy stares from other students (me) bother you?
Booking Rooms
The library rooms are cursed. There, I said it. It's so stressful trying to book one and even if you do miraculously get one something always seems to go wrong.
Then when you actually arrive you find people in there and you have to awkwardly tell them to move. All this stress and effort just to study. Might as well have stayed home. Don't have to book my bedroom.
It's not big enough
We all know this is true. The library is busy pretty much all year round and during exam season you might as well revise outside because you will not find a seat. Cov uni currently has over 38,000 students but we only have one library. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there are too many students for one library.
If you're not going to keep the Jaguar building or any other place to revise open for 24 hours, please stop building student accommodation and give us another library. How many more student halls do we really need, anyway?
Finding a seat

Feel like pure shit, just want a seat x
It's an extreme sport, it always has been and it always will be. Take my advice, once you find a seat do not move. The second you leave the seat for longer than ten minutes you can bet that baby is gone for good.
Students are ruthless in general but nothing is more ruthless than a student wanting a library seat. It's worse than fighting to get served at the main room bar Kasbah. Before you know you're carrying your laptop, meal deal and coat around the library to find a seat again. Ignore the stares babe, keep looking and pray that one day we get a second library.