Get ready, Lancaster: It’s time to vote in heat one of BNOC 2024
Forget the summer ball, this is what you’ve been waiting for all year
The first round of voting for BNOC 2024 is officially here! It’s bigger than Roses, the society awards and even that dissertation you’ve put your blood, sweat and tears into, and we’ve had some absolute icons nominated this year. If you want to vote for Lancaster’s 2024 Big Name on Campus, read on to see our first round of nominees and vote with the poll below!
Milly Jordan, fourth year, Grizedale, Spanish studies and linguistics (she/her)
Milly is former Editor in Chief for the Lancaster Tab and a former member of LUDANS exec. She’s been nominated for being “the sunniest person ever,” and “an absolute sweetheart” who “would give you the shirt off her back.” Her friend added that she has also “called me stinky more times than I can count.” Milly told us: “I’m just glad to be on this side of the competition instead of organising it for the first year ever. I’m not sure you’d want the shirt off my back because I’ve probably spilled pasta sauce on it, but you’re welcome to it.” To vote for Milly, fill out the poll below!
Emily Lock, fourth year, Bowland, French and Spanish (she/her)
Emily was nominated for knowing everyone in DeLC (Department of Languages and Cultures), never making it to Sugar without injuring herself and being “just the best.” When asked how she feels about being nominated, the fourth year French and Spanish student said that she is “honoured to have been nominated by one of my delc besties and I’m going to miss you all!! There is only one thing I feel appropriate to say….. ¿¡alguien tiene chisme?!” Want to vote for Emily? Fill out the poll below!
Santiago Siabato Trujillo, County, marketing and psychology (he/him)
Santiago is the current Vice President for LUSU, and has been nominated for saying hi to everyone in Sugar whenever he is there, and generally being “the most known person there is!” He told the Lancaster Tab: “I’m so honoured to have been nominated, I love all my sugarhouse sugarHOME queens, they’re all iconic. I love Lancaster and this has been the best year by far and I love all the amazing people I’ve met. 4 years seems like a long time but it’s flown by so quick and I’m so thankful to everyone at Lancaster for the support you’ve given me and the endless amount of love and appreciation I have for some of you is acc unreal🥹🩷🩷 you girls are acc Soo coocoo CrAzY xx” Vote for Santiago below!
Alex Menmuir, third year, Lonsdale, physics (he/him)
Alex has two nominations this year, one for winning the first game of the Roses Darts Open Firsts and being a “celebrity on campus,” and the other because “HE’S JESUS. Brilliant dart, unbeaten this year.” When we asked him how being nominated feels, he said “it’s strange, I never expected to be known outside of the darts.” If you’d like to vote for this third year turned apparent Jesus, use the poll below!
Joanna Ortiz, third year, County, marketing
Joanna has been nominated for her “iconic” dance moves in Sugar, her “immaculate” fashion sense, and her “hilarious Roses TikToks.” When we told her she was nominated, Joanna said: “Tiago, I hate you. We do not talk about the Roses TikToks.” If Joanna is your BNOC, vote for her below!
Morgan Harley, third year, Fylde, law (he/him)
Morgan is VP and ex- charity co-ordinatior of Lancaster Uni’s running and athletics club, and was nominated for being the “consumer of Spar’s 75th millionth sandwich.” His friend has told us that everyone who walks into Spar remembers Morgan because he “always puts a smile on everyone’s face,” and has featured in a Lancs crush post. His taskmaster socials and ability to improve people’s days have made him a nominee for BNOC 2024. Morgan told us that he “wasn’t expecting this but it’s a privilege to be recognised by the wider community and I’m so glad that my participation in societies and other aspects of uni life has a positive impact on people at the uni. 😁” Vote for Morgan below!
Omar Tariq, third year, County, business management (he/him)
Omar is apparently the “best DJ on campus” and is a part of lots of societies and extra curricular activities. When nominating Omar for BNOC 2024, his friend shared that “it’s like everyone knows him.” Omar has said, “thank you to whoever nominated me for BNOC. Did not expect it at all tbf!” If you want to vote for Omar, fill out the poll below!
Ali Othman, second year, Bowland, business management
Ali was nominated for starting the infamous LUMS email chain by accidentally sending an email to the entire department. In a comment to the Lancaster Tab after being nominated, Ali said “throughout the campus and town am alone am the honoured one.” Want to vote for Ali? Vote in the poll below.