

Panic Master’s to travelling: What to do now you’ve graduated from Liverpool University

Breathe in, breathe out – you’ve got this

Here are nine of the most frustrating university moments that only Liverpool students can relate to

The infamous Sydney Jones vs Harold Cohen debate lives on for another year

The Liverpool Tab editorial team is recruiting a new editorial team – and we want YOU!

We’re recruiting for Editor in Chief, News Editor, Features Editor and Social Media Editor

Here are the 11 types of Liverpool students you’ll encounter on a Thursday night at Electrik

I think I’m the poster stealer wbu x

The ultimate third year bucket list all Liverpool students should complete before graduating

Here are 50 fun ways to spend the last term of the year – but good luck with number 28

A comprehensive guide on how to spot the students from each of Liverpool’s universities

Alexa? Play Stereotypes by Blur on Spotify

Beauty on a budget: Five essential makeup products all Liverpool students need this spring

Max out your face card this spring with these most highly recommended makeup products

How to make the most of semester three as a Liverpool Uni student experiencing a flop

If semester one and two weren’t your vibe, it’s time to make a comeback as summer approaches

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


These are the seven best student-friendly spots for coffee and studying in Liverpool

Semester two is the start of an academic comeback for us all

One Day reimagined: This is what Emma and Dexter would be like as Liverpool students

I just know Dexter Mayhew would go to Fitz

Dropping the beat, not the venues: The student’s guide to rescuing Liverpool’s dance music hotspots

Discover how YOU can actively contribute to safeguarding Liverpool’s iconic dance music venues!

10 things all Liverpool students should definitely be giving up for Lent

This year I’m giving up… literally x

10 University of Liverpool things that make you feel like a proper functioning adult

Adulthood looms and I am not happy about it one bit

Five underrated Smithdown Road food spots that every Liverpool student must try

Fancy dinner out or a chilled takeaway night in? Be sure to check these places out

Saltburn to skinny scarves: Uni micro-trends you’ll definitely see in 2024

Are you even a student if you didn’t get one of these for Christmas?

How to beat the January exam and assessment blues as a Liverpool student

Most get slapped in the face by reality on January 2nd but for students who have January deadlines, reality hits just a bit harder