Here are the rules pubs in Wales will have to follow when they reopen
You can say goodbye to that 10pm curfew
On the 19th March, the Welsh Government proposed their new Coronavirus Control Plan which sets out the easing of restrictions across the nation.
Whilst this new plan is more vague than the one seen in December, it outlines the rules that pubs and bars will have to follow when they are allowed to open again.
When pubs and bars were open before the abrupt lockdown in December, they were legally obliged to adhere to a 10pm curfew.
It has been expressed that hospitality businesses will not face a 10pm curfew this time, but that there will continue to be strict rules on ventilation, table service, group numbers indoors, and social distancing. Venues will also still have to collect contact details, as they did previously.
Ministers have also said that if cases continue to stay low then they will consider opening restaurants and pubs for outdoor-only service in the lockdown review on 22nd April.
It has been indicated that it is likely that hospitality businesses will not be able to open on this date, but that the plan for the phased reopening of the sector will be put forward during the next review. However, it appears unlikely that indoor hospitality will be able to resume as there are still concerns over the transmissibility of the Kent variant.
According to the control plan, “A full opening from alert level two and below will continue to be subject to the rules on gathering indoors.”
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