Here we go again! Here’s Jeremy Clarkson’s annual A-level Results Day tweet
The day wouldn’t be complete without it
Results Day is a big one, inevitably it is a day you will remember for the rest of your life whether you want to or not. And there are many things that are guaranteed to happen on any Results Day: You will shed a few tears whether they’re happy or not, your parents will say they’re “proud of you no matter what” and you’ll definitely have a bev, or 10, with your mates. One thing that has become an annual A-level Results Day staple is Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet.
How he suddenly became such a Results Day icon is beyond me but every year we sit and wait in anticipation as to what smug flex he will come out with this. Jeremy Clarkson is a questionable figure but no matter how feel about him you’ve got to admit, he is really quite funny. The man’s got wit! Every single year he says he got a C and two Us in his A-levels followed an casual bragging on something inexplicably out of touch about his life. And this year did not disappoint – in fact, it might be Jeremy Clarkson’s best A-level results day tweet yet.
He tweeted: “It’s not the end of the world if your A level results aren’t what you’d hoped for. I got a C and 2 Us and here I am today with my own brewery.”
In the past he’s boosted about the fact he’s got multiple cars, second – and third – homes, eats truffles for breakfast and regularly holidays on mega-yachts, and now he’s added owning a brewery to that list. He really is living the life.
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Featured image via Amazon Prime Video.