This is what you should dress as for Halloween based on your Birmingham Uni degree
It’s Halloween but we all know the scariest thing is the deadlines you’ll be finishing tomorrow in the library
The night of Halloween is upon us and if you’re debating whether a late night is worth it in this crunch point of term, may we provide you with the ultimate solution. Why not channel your degree whilst busting scarily bad moves on the dance floors of Broad Street?! So here we have saved you the brain power and compiled some degree related costumes based off pure vibes and not so much academic backing.
Law students are known for their consistent mental breakdowns and their overflowing reading. So, in honour of halloween let’s remember why you chose this scary degree in the first place. For those of you wanting to earn big, why not don a bleach blonde wig and gown to live the theatrical life of Judge Rinder for the night? If that isn’t a bit of you, you could also pay homage to the other inspiration to your degree in the form of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Whilst the reality of your degree is not as simple as the terminology of a perm you’d at least look pink and preppy.Whilst you both may look the fittest for Halloween, you can likely be found bend-and-snapping on a packed dance floor tonight and hungover finishing those assignments in the library tomorrow.
As you guys are the future of the NHS, you are the superheroes for the future generation. Whilst you cannot handle your alcohol, contrary to popular belief, we figured this outfit should be simple and… easy to clean. To assemble your outfit as a superhero simply strap a spare bed sheet to your back, source a cheap mask from Poundland (creativity points if you can fashion one out of PPE), you truly will become the stars of Broad Street. Whilst halloween is your night off, you will most likely be on duty holding back your mates hair when they chun in the toilet. Thank you for your service.
Whilst people may contemplate what you will do with your degree after university, nobody will contemplate how amazing your halloween outfit is. English students love books a bit too much, and therefore dressing as your favourite fictional characters is a perfect way to dress for the weekend. Possible ideas would be the classic 1920s Great Gatsby, slick hair and a sharp suit you’re on your way to channeling your DiCaprio alter ego. For the minority of males who have chosen this degree, Of Mice and Men’s George and Lennie is a great way to cheapen the Hallo-weekend by cutting up old clothes.
History students love to discover the past, unpacking all the debates and dramas of times that came before us. Whether it be if a historic figure was a legitimate heir, why so and so was beefing with the Church, or why Henry got through so many ladies. You live for the drama – be it history or not. Therefore a suitable outfit for a budding historian could be Mean Girls, as we know you will recall the Halloween gossip for months to come. Dig out your forgotten Y2K clothes or anything pink, you will honour Mean Girls for the contribution it has to modern day culture.
This said, if you don’t find high school drama be your true calling, you could take it back a few years and dress as a caveman. A truly versatile outfit, requiring minimum effort – all that’s needed is your favourite bedsheet and messy hair, truly get into character by parading the street with a stick in hand. Pre-drinking hard will help to counteract your barely there costume against the cold that is Brum weather at the moment.
Whilst you may not be a qualified psychologist, and have the most basic degree of all, you can always fake being one. There are numerous different psychologists you can dress as, with my personal favourite being Freud. Freud’s theories were a product of his clown behaviour, so slap that expired faceprint on and fingers crossed that it lasts you through the nights’ antics. Another honourable mention, if you don’t want to dress as the man who studied incestuous relationships, is Pavlov’s dog. Anyone that does psychology will know the awful experiments this poor dog went through, so by dressing as him for Halloween you’re remembering his spirit well whilst ordering tequila shots.
Being the future builders who love to flex how hard their course is, we can only imagine how on earth you are going to fit a Halloween bender into your packed schedule. With mathematics and brains needed to pass this degree, why not give an honourable mention to your childhood inspiration: Bob the Builder. Whilst being a child’s cartoon, seemingly a bit of an airhead, he was always a reliable source of entertainment after a day at school – hopefully you’ll be providing just as much entertainment on your night out. Luckily for this degree, this outfit is easy to source, with only a hi-vis jacket, and a yellow helmet for protection from flying bottles of VK needed.
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