How many of these Lancaster BeReals have you taken?
It’s time to BeReal!
Let’s be honest, most people either have BeReal or have featured in someone else’s BeReal by now. The app that lets you only post once a day at a random time is both brilliant and hugely annoying. You can either show off your productivity/immaculate vibes/homemade food, or grovel in the embarrassment of still being in bed at two in the afternoon for three days straight.
When it strikes during the uni day (and when it does strike, it’s when you least expect it), you end up with a set of very similar pictures throughout the week. On weekdays, Lancs’ students BeReals probably look a little something like this.
The late-night Library BeReal
It’s way too late but you have a deadline, so you’ve forgotten about your phone and are focusing on getting that essay done. The library is deserted. The BeReal ping breaks the silence and you bask in the knowledge of knowing you’re actually doing something for once (even if the something is having a breakdown about deadlines).
The pretty walk BeReal
The bliss of getting that ping when the sun is shining and you’re out for a walk! Getting a lovely, Instagram-worthy picture is one of the best feelings. The walk BeReal is always going to get the most RealMoji reactions because that green and blue really breaks up the monotony of everyone’s feed.
The bus BeReal
If you’re living in town, you’ll spend what feels like half your life on buses, so you’ll probably end up with several BeReals on the bus over time. Next time you get the alert on the bus, take a sneaky look around and see how many other people are snapping photos too.
The deadline BeReal
This is a desperation BeReal. A getting it out of the way BeReal. A don’t message me BeReal.
The outside on campus BeReal
The glory of the Bonnington Step in the summer! You can show off to all of your friends who are stuck in lectures that you’re outside and free.
The aesthetic study BeReal
For those moments when you’re feeling extra fancy, the big tables in the library serve well enough for aesthetic BeReal. Bonus points if you get a friend in it so you can compare each other’s perspectives.
The sneaky lecture BeReal
The holy grail of uni BeReals, this is one that proves you’re actually showing up to your events, even if it is nine in the morning and you’re so hungover from Whoops! Wednesday you think you might actually be dead. It’s fine. Everyone’s been there, and everyone’s pain is plastered onto your feed to make you feel less alone.
The duck BeReal
Now, what Lancaster student hasn’t taken a BeReal with a duck in? If the ducks haven’t been added to your BeReal repertoire just yet, you’re probably doing something wrong.