Hundreds of students protest across Coventry for climate change
‘Climate change is a fundamental issue’
Hundreds of students and Coventry city locals protested outside Coventry City Council House and across Coventry in the Climate Strike today. The march proceeded through Broadgate Street and into the shopping quarter hanging banners on the Lady Godiva statue.
The Coventry Tab spoke to some of the protesters. One student said: "I haven't even started uni yet but I would've always attended this protest. I feel like climate change is a fundamental issue and we aim to end the system of horror that will destroy our planet."
Both Coventry and Warwick students turned up, as well as a number of Coventry locals and members of the Extinction Rebellion. A group sat outside the Council House with a speaker chanting "Climate change, system change now."
The Tab Coventry also spoke to Philip Brown, secretary and treasurer of the United Nations Associations who attended the protest today. He said: "Coventry's climate change strategy runs out next year but we're planning to do a consultation once it comes to Coventry. We need a change in behaviour soon to stop climate change."
Protesters then marched towards Broadgate Square and continued their demonstration, chanting and holding signs. Protesters were also actively engaging with the public in a bid to gain further support for their cause.
This protest is just one of hundreds that have taken place across the UK today.