It’s official, these are the unis where you’re most likely to bag yourself a husband
This is the only thing that could ever make me want to go to York
When you go to university, you envision how you’ll meet your uni boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe you’ll sit next to someone really fit in your first ever lecture, maybe you’ll lock eyes with someone in your halls kitchen and fall in love, or maybe you’ll just have the best Hinge date ever. But in reality, everyone on your course is a bit weird, you’ll shag your flatmate and then regret the flatcest forever, and has anything good ever come out of a dating app?
Apparently 20 per cent of British students meet the love of their live at uni, but different unis have different levels of success rates for this.
It turns out, the York is the UK university where you are most likely to find a romantic partner at uni and fall in love. Who would’ve thought?
The Knowledge Academy has surveyed 3,500 people to find out exactly which unis are best for this. It found 63 per cent of York students had met their romantic partner whilst studying there, followed by 62 per cent of Manchester students. 57 per cent of Bristol, Leeds and Southampton students have fallen in love at uni, too.
If you’re looking for a husband instead of just a boyfriend this is slightly less likely – only 12 per cent marry their university partners. The best uni for this is Queen’s Belfast, where 22 per cent went on to marry their uni boyfriends and girlfriends, followed by 21 per cent of Oxford and Manchester students respectively, and 20 per cent of Durham students.
These are the UK unis where you’re most likely to meet a romantic partner:
10. Cambridge – 48 per cent met a romantic partner at uni
9. Liverpool – 52 per cent
8. Oxford – 52 per cent
7. Durham – 56 per cent
6. Edinburgh – 56 per cent
5. Southampton – 57 per cent
4. Leeds – 57 per cent
3. Bristol – 57 per cent
2. Manchester – 62 per cent
1. York – 63 per cent
And these are the UK universities where you’re most likely end up marrying the partner you met at uni:
10. Nottingham – 14 per cent married their university partnet
9. Cambridge – 15 per cent
8. Imperial – 15 per cent
7. King’s – 16 per cent
6. Lancaster – 16 per cent
5. Edinburgh – 17 per cent
4. Durham – 20 per cent
3. Manchester – 21 per cent
2. Oxford – 21 per cent
1. Queen’s Belfast – 22 per cent
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