It’s time! Vote now in the semi-final of Lancaster BNOC 2024
We are one step closer to crowning your winner
Things are heating up! We are now into the semi-final of BNOC 2024. We have had almost 50 nominations this year, and we are now down to the final six! All of which are clearly very popular and pretty iconic names on campus, but not all can be voted into the final. In order to crown your Biggest Name on Campus for 2024, you need to vote for who you think deserves a place in the final. So, to cast your very important vote in the semi-final, read about each nominee, then vote for your favourite in the poll below.
Morgan Harley, third year, Fylde, law (he/him)
Our first semi-finalist, Morgan, was nominated as a bit of a spar icon, who has even featured in a Lancs crush post! When we asked him what it meant to be in the semi-final, he said: “Since I was announced as a BNOC nominee the support I have received has been amazing and loads of you have came into spar to wish me luck which has been crazy :)”. So, if you think that Morgan deserves a place in the BNOC 2024 final, vote for him below.
Ali Othman, second year, Bowland, business management
Ali was nominated for an infamous LUMS email chain, where he accidentally sent an email to the entire department ah. Ali’s response to making it to the semi-final was certainly unique, saying: “Those that stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is a neutral ground! Justice will prevail you say, of course it will. Those who win the war, become the Justice.” Vote for Ali in the poll below if he is your BNOC 2024.
Georges Quinn, second year, Cartmel, history and politics (he/him)
Semi-finalist, Georges, was nominated as the BNOC title was stolen from him last year. His response to making the semi-final was to say: “It would be a good bit of fun and something to tell the kids.” Can 2024 be the year he wins BNOC? If you think Georges deserves to win, vote for him in the poll below.
Oliver Dempsey, fourth year, Grizedale, geography (he/him)
Oliver was nominated for BNOC 2024 because of his impressive role as Grizedale President. When we told him he had made it to the semi-final, he said: “Winning BNOC would mean a lot to myself and the hog. As one of the most decorated clubs on campus, there is not much we haven’t won. Too see that honour next to my superfluous 2:2 would mean the world to the boys.” So if Oliver is your winner, vote for him in the poll below.
Zimran Malik, third year, Lonsdale, economics
Our next semi-finalist, Zimran, was nominated for his popularity. When we told him he was in the semi-final, he replied, “ahh that’s so great!”, and said that “winning BNOC would be the perfect end to my three years in Lancaster”. So if you think Zimran deserves the perfect end to his time in Lancaster and to be awarded the BNOC 2024, vote for him below.
Sarah Soares, third year, Cartmel, business econ (she/her)
The last semi-finalist, hoping to make it to the final, was nominated for her “kind, outgoing, friendly” personality. When we told Sarah she had made it to the semi-final, she said, “Honestly crazy I made it this far haha. Winning BNOC would be something to remember in my final year with all my friends! Would be great to leave a mark.” If Sarah is your BNOC 2024, vote for her below.