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Justin Timberlake has been arrested for drink-driving in the Hamptons

He’s set to appear in court later today following the arrest

Uh oh, a new ranking found these 10 Russell Group unis are the worst in the world right now

It’s not too late to withdraw your application

The Tab is hiring an Assistant Editor to join its HQ – here’s how to apply

Applications close Thursday 27th June

This TikToker got fired for saying the n-word in a video, and now she’s doubling down on it

Lilly Gaddis’ TikTok has now been deactivated, but she’s not sorry

Lawyer who claims she was stalked by ‘dreadful’ Fiona Harvey shares alleged ‘screaming abuse’

Laura Wray claimed to Piers Morgan Fiona Harvey harassed her for years before Richard Gadd

These are the Russell Group unis that grad schemes will be most impressed by, in 2024

Showing them this in my next interview x

The Tab is hiring a Staff Writer (News)

We’re looking for a passionate journalist to write stories that affect young people – with an emphasis on news

Ranked: The Russell group unis which have plummeted down the world rankings this year

62 per cent of Russell Groups have dropped down