

Bristol University student becomes a Green Party candidate for up coming general election

James Nelson is hoping to win a seat in Bristol on July 4th

Family of missing student Jack O’Sullivan offer £20k reward for information to aid the search

Jack was last seen in Hotwells, Bristol over 100 days ago after leaving a house party

Filming crew on Bristol Uni campus to shoot new thriller series

‘Down Cemetery Road’ will feature both the university gym and ASS library concealed as a police station

Bristol Uni plan to cut student wellbeing roles by 14 per cent and restructure services

Services are due to be restructured despite staff concerns over student mental health

Marvin Rees, former Bristol Mayor, appointed as honorary professor at Bristol University

Marvin Rees, Bristol’s most recent mayor, is the newest addition to the Cabot Institute for the Environment’s research team

University of Bristol rises one place to rank 54th in new world university ranking

The prestigious ranking has placed Bristol in the top 10 of UK universities

Bristol student hospitalised after ‘hellish’ Singapore Airlines flight which killed one

Mia Stevenson was injured after being thrown into the ceiling mid flight

Bristol SU’s new research report reveals ‘hellish experience’ of renting in Bristol

37 per cent of students at University of Bristol report the ‘significant negative impact’ renting has had on their university experience

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A man in his 20s has died after collapsing during the Great Bristol Run

The cause of his death is currently unknown

Bristol SU Officer Statement in solidarity with Palestine criticises university’s approach

‘We are disappointed by the approach the University of Bristol has taken when speaking about this issue’

PETA activists confront Bristol Uni’s vice chancellor in New York about forced swim tests

The activists protest that ‘not one animal leaves the laboratory alive’ after the experiment is over

Jewish student in Bristol Uni encampment told to be ‘ashamed’ of their pro-Palestine views

A counter-protestor confronted the Jewish student saying ‘the encampment reeks of antisemitism’

Bristol student returns to American football club as coach after suffering spinal injury

Archie says he didn’t want to ‘quit on my friends’ at his beloved sports club

Ambitious Bristol University start-ups win a share of £100,000 after exciting competition

Winners came from a wide range of sectors, from live events to seaweed farming

Pro-life preacher arrested outside Bristol Uni claims police have paid his legal fees

The preacher was arrested after pushing a woman in the crowd

Group of Bristol Uni students protest outside Senate House in solidarity with Palestine

A speaker congratulated the student movement saying, ‘Your voices are louder than their bombs’