Quiz: Tell us about your uni day and we’ll give you a BookTok recommendation
If you go to the library every day you definitely love a rom-com
If it’s on BookTok, it’s probably going to be good: that seems to be the general consensus when you walk into Waterstones and see a table of books that proclaim they were recommended on the app. Turns out there’s a whole section of TikTok that just recommends books to one another, and reviews them as well.
It’s very wholesome, and some of the transitions in the videos are incredible. Despite the same audios being in every other video (I swear some of them will never leave my head), it’s a wild romp into people who seem to live extremely cosy lives full of tea, cats and endless novels.
But besides seemingly unlimited budgets to buy so many books, BookTok does also have good taste as a book must be good for it to be recommended so many times. There are a core few books that as you endlessly scroll through the mines of TikTok do seem to come up again and again, and it’s these that seem to be loved by everyone that reads them. Tell us about your average day at uni and we’ll tell you which BookTok recommendation you should read:
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