So, people are rinsing Oxford students for dancing at a ball and it’s low-key really mean
A Ceilidh is a huge part of Scottish culture
So, people on TikTok are fully going IN on students at The University of Oxford for dancing a Ceilidh at a uni event for Burn’s Night.
Yesterday a TikTok was posted by Oxford postgrad student Rita which showed students at Oxford dancing a Ceilidh in a massive grand hall dressed in black tie for Burn’s Night at the end of Janurary.
But all the comments are full of people absolutely rinsing the students in the video, saying this is the reason they rejected their Oxford offers or how they dodged a bullet by not getting in. One person commented: “Yeah this is why I rejected Oxford”.
But a Ceilidh is a traditional Scottish dance that is a hugely important part of Scottish culture and yes, while they might be your stereotypical posh Oxford students, it doesn’t really sit right that people are mocking it.
A Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) is a Scottish Gaelic word that means “gathering” or “party,” and it’s a traditional form of social gathering that has been an important part of Scottish culture for literally centuries. A lot of Scottish people learn it in school and the dances are often done at events like weddings.
But people in the TikTok comments were just not having it. One person said: “Do you guys learn this stuff before uni or just know the dance since you were young??” and another person added: “Why does this look like a medieval dance from a fantasy movie?”

Via TikTok
A lot of people were also saying this was the reason they either rejected Oxford or why they were happy they didn’t get in. One person said: “Yeah this is why I rejected Oxford” and someone else commented: “This is why I didn’t accept my offer”.
Other comments were people tagging their mates and saying things like “Never mind I don’t wanna go anymore” and “This is why I rejected my scholarship at Oxford and chose Kingston University.”
Someone also compared the video to Saltburn by just commenting “Saltburn??” Two Oxford colleges did actually host Saltburn-themed parties earlier this term, though.
So yeah, whilst at first, it might look like stereotypical Oxford students being Oxford students all dressed up in black tie in a fancy hall dancing around, it’s actually a key part of Scottish culture and it feels a bit wrong that everyone is mocking it.
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