Stagecoach to increase Under-19 DayRider price in March
The price is set to increase by 20p next Tuesday
Stagecoach has announced that as of Tuesday 1st March, their ticket prices across Lancashire will be changing.
The adult Bay Dayrider price will stay the same at £5, but the price of the Under-19 Bay DayRider, the ticket most commonly bought by students at the university, will increase from £2.60 to £2.80.
Single and return fares are also increasing from the 1st March. Stagecoach has a calculator on their website that allows you to figure out how much these will cost, as long as you select a date after 1st March to allow for the recalculated ticket prices.
Stagecoach said: “We know that no-one likes it when prices go up, and that’s why we’ve worked hard to keep the increases as low as possible.”
They went on to explain that “this is the first time our fares have changed in over three years, and since this time, the cost of running buses has risen significantly, even with government funding to keep services running through the pandemic.”
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