The best walks in and around Lancaster for students pressed for time
Improving mental health in the sunshine
We’re getting to that time of year where the sun is starting to shine, the temperature is starting to creep into double figures, we can slowly see leaves on the trees and Lancaster ducklings are making an appearance. Spring is nearly upon us and as such, the weather is balmy enough that walking has become a nicer pastime for those of us not hardy enough to brave the winter months.
However, it’s the second half of term, and those deadline are pressing. There are dissertations due, projects looming, presentations happening, and a trip to the Lake District is looking less and less likely by the minute. Walks can do wonders for both physical and mental health, as well as just being a break when you don’t want to see another PowerPoint slide ever again. As a result, here are the top five walks for students who are looking to stretch their legs but are pressed for time.
Woodland Walk
This is perfect for when you just need a leg stretch after a long session in the library. It spans for just over two miles around the edge of campus and you can hop on and off at different points. It runs right round between the edge of the buildings and the motorway, down the bottom of South-West Campus, and then across past the sports pitches.
You head down the drive towards the main road, then along to the rugby pitches and back up along the fields towards Bailrigg House, rejoining the paths by the LICA building. Of course, there are shortcuts as well, and you don’t have to do the full loop.
Galgate Marina
A little bit further and honestly stunning in the summer sun, this walk takes you off campus from down by Cartmel, through Ellel and Galgate and down to the Marina. You pass streams, some gorgeous cottages, and a graveyard that looks like it is taken directly from a painting. There is even a cafe that is open Monday to Saturday before you reach the canal! Of course, you can sit and take in the view and the peace, go for a drink at the Plough Inn, or walk even further along the canal when you arrive.
Williamson Park
If you’re in town and heading up this way, this is a stalwart favourite amongst Lancaster students and you really can’t beat the views from the top of the steps. Perfect for taking visiting family, friends from home or a romantic picnic, the park also boasts a butterfly house and miniature zoo, so is really perfect for any occasion.
The walks here are a little different, as they can be done in lots of smaller loops rather than as a longer out and back walk, but this means that you can tie it in with a trip to the café at the same time – surely this is perfect?
This one requires a little more time and effort, but is totally worth it. The entire student population of Lancaster may complain about the 100 bus, however, the brilliant thing about it is that it does run to Morecambe. The fact that the uni is so close to the sea is sometimes overlooked, and it is brilliant. There is always something going on, and a real bustle of people. There is also the added bonus of the fact that it is the seaside, meaning you can get ice cream without feeling bad.
The castle and down to the river
Slightly shorter than the others but perfect for after a study session in a café in the town centre, there is a path behind Lancaster Priory that takes you through some very lovely houses and through the graveyard to the Roman baths. From there, you can wander down towards the river and take in some spectacular views of the bridge, and detour back up to the city for a coffee if you feel so inclined.
Well, here they are – the five best walks for stressed-out students to enjoy in the Spring weather to avoid deadlines and just general uni responsibility. Go ahead, give them a go, they may just be the perfect stress relief!