The Love Island 2024 cast are the most unlikeable ever, and this Islander rundown proves it
They’re all doing my head in tbh
Let’s call a spade a spade here: The 2024 villa is filled with the most unlikeable Love Island cast we’ve ever seen. It’s actually a bit beyond belief. Every other series, there has been a couple from the start you really root for – but I don’t think there’s a single pairing here that aren’t, in short, a bit of a mess. Or at least have been a mess. Whether it’s people being bitchy, mean spirited, childish, fuckboy-esque or just being slimy and suspicious – the unlikeable cast of Love Island 2024 kind of have it all. Here’s a quick rundown of them all and what makes the 2024 cast the most unlikeable in Love Island history.
First of all, the actual good eggs: Uma, Wil, Mimii, Matilda, Konnor and Harriett
Yes, you did read that last name right. I have actually decided that Harriett is my favourite Islander, against all odds. I just think she’s comedy gold and actually much softer than I initially thought she was and I don’t think she’s malicious. Uma and Wil are great vibes and my favourite couple in the villa. Mimii is too good for Ayo, and Matilda seems great vibes. Konnor also just seems like a nice lad who we’ve not seen much of. These lot are off the hook.
In theory, Ayo should be great. A lovely lad on the surface! But all through the season he has told girls what they want to hear, which has lead to miscommunication and upset that could have been swerved with ease. And even after all the upset was put to bed, he chose to say Uma was the Islander he had the most sexual attraction with apart from Mimii. Literally just pick anyone else, bro.
Not majorly unlikeable but his childishness rubs me up the wrong way. Puts his foot in it a lot which I know is partially down to the fact he’s 21 but it’s still exhausting.

From ITV
Just seems extremely calculated in everything she does and I never seeing her have any laughs or any conversations really that aren’t either with Joey or about Joey. I didn’t like her coldness with Samantha and nor was she very nice to Konnor during that recoupling even though he was just doing what she’d previously encouraged him to do. Weird vibes.
Mostly I do like Jess but then every now and then she’ll just go in on someone for no reason who gets the brunt of her being aggy, and it’s usually Harriett. No need!
Used to absolutely cherish Joey Essex pre Love Island, and never thought in 2024 I’d be shoving him amongst this unlikeable lot but he made his bed and now he’s got to lie in it. And that bed certainly is not reem. I am a full on conspiracy theorist that he and Grace had plotted their villa journey when they were still together and I don’t like it. He didn’t treat Samantha well, he treated Omar terribly and I don’t vibe with what he’s bringing to the show.

From ITV
I know Ciaran is a bit childish, but my god does Nicole boot off over things that are just not serious. It’s draining. Why did we need a two day fight over a game of eggy boffs or whatever it was called? Let’s just have a laugh, shall we!
Do I even need to explain?
The worst kind of unlikeable because he STARTED great then played dirty tactics with Omar to get what he wanted with Matilda and I just thought it was shady. And kind of took the autonomy out of who she wanted to get to know. Too much “little Joey” culture going on for my liking.
Please, please, PLEASE – in the words of Sabrina Carpenter – shake it up at Casa Amor with people we actually like.
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