This student came up with a website for you to rate your Coventry estate agents
Its like Trip Advisor but for landlords and housing
We spoke to the student who may just be able to solve all your housing problems – even rats. Acomorate is a student website where you can rate and review your housing and landlords and share some of your experiences whilst living in your houses.
Nicos Tombros, one of the founders, told The Coventry Tab: "It's fair to say every student has a story about their student house, stuff like a dumped toilet in the garden or the time a neighbour complained about doors being closed too loudly. Acomorate is a website to share these experiences and warn potential tenants of the downsides of living at the house".

We're relieved that nobody died
Acomorate uses a simple review system where you pick a house and tell them the pros and cons of it. Students can then use the information to search for houses they are interested in to find out whether or not it is worth the meaty deposit.
The site launched in October and has so far gained around 200 reviews. They aim to increase that number in time for the next academic year so that first and second year students can use Acomorate to help find a house.
Nicos and his friend Luke came up with the idea after they themselves had a bad housing experience in their second year. They slowly discovered many problems with their house and wished they had known sooner. They hope that Acomorate will prevent others from going through the same experience.

Not all heroes wear capes
This might just be the lord and saviour that the students of Coventry need. We all know too well the struggles of mould, dodgy Cov estate agents and the reality that bills are an actual thing that come out of your bank. Anything that makes renting a student house easier is greatly appreciated.
The website is already popular. Tombros said: "We've been overwhelmed by the response. Every student we've talked to love the idea and have been really supportive, which pushes us to make sure the website is as useful as possible and generate as much awareness as possible". Amen to that.