All the degrees and universities of the Times Rich List 2024, so you can get rich too
Brb just changing my degree!
The Times Rich List 2024 was released last week, naming the most eye-wateringly rich people in the UK.
But how did they all get to be SO rich? And did their uni or degree have anything to do with it? 60 per cent of the richest people under the age of 40 all went to uni, studying various subjects. Leaving 16 people who decided not to go at all.
So, if it’s an aspiration of yours to make it to the Times Rich List and be fully rolling in it, these are the degrees and unis of all the Young Times Rich List:
8. Countryside Management
A bit of a rogue one, but one person who made it to the Times Young Rich List studied countryside management at uni. And that person is none other than the Duke of Westminster who tops the list overall with a net worth of £10.127 billion. Hugh Grosvenor studied countryside management at Newcastle University.
7. Chemistry, biology or physics
One of the people to make it to the Times Young Rich list studied chemistry, biology or physics at a Russell Group university.
6. English and journalism
Two people studied English or journalism at university. One of them is Emma Watson, who is 39th on the young rich list with a net worth of £59 million. She studied English at Brown University in the US but is currently doing a Master’s in creative writing at the University of Oxford.
5. Archaeology and anthropology
Two of the under 40 rich list studied archaeology and anthropology at uni. One at a Russell Group and another at a regular UK uni. One of these is Lady Charlotte Wellesley, who came second on the list with a staggering net worth of £2.2 billion. The daughter of the Duke of Wellington graduated from Oxford in 2013.
4. Arts and design
Five of the Times Rich List under 40s studied art and design at uni and all of them studied it at a non-Russell Group uni in the UK.
3. Computer science
The third most popular degree to study for those who made it to The Times’ Rich List is computer science. Six people on the list studied it in total, three of these at a Russell Group including Herman Narula who is third on the list after studying at Cambridge, two at another UK uni and one at an international uni.
2. Business, economics and management
Seven of the richest people in the UK to make the list studied business or economics and management at university, which isn’t really that surprising it’s the most popular subject. Of these, three of them studied at a Russell Group uni, three at a non-Russell Group uni and one at an international university.
Ben Francis, founder of Gymshark and fifth on the rich list with a net worth of £725 million is one of those to study business, at Aston University.
1. Didn’t go to university
Of the 40 people named as the richest Brits under 40, a huge 40 per cent of them didn’t actually go to uni at all. So if that gap year has turned into a gap three years and you’re not even sure you want to go to uni anymore, you could end up just as rich without.
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Featured image before edits via YouTube and Canva.