We reviewed 2020 and WOW what a wild ride
Someone give me a bev for this one
Since the start of the year, it seems like we’ve all been hit by curveball after curveball and it’s genuinely been hard to catch a break. Who’d have thought it would be possible to have a year like this one? In the midst of all the chaos (including the fact that Kazzy B has been shut most of the year), there have been moments during 2020 that have brought us hope, made us grateful and just deserve to be celebrated. So, before we end this year, let’s look at some of the most significant moments of 2020
Essential workers have worked tirelessly to make this country a safer place
We have to start off with a huge shout out to all our supermarket workers, carers, doctors and nurses for this year. Essential workers have played a crucial part in our lives – in the middle of the pandemic, they risked their lives every day to ensure we still had all the essential services that we all depend on.
Cov students also did their bit to help with international students unable to return home began volunteering to help the NHS. These local heroes kept communities functioning and even saved lives. A particular thank you to all healthcare workers that have saved a number of our loved ones. If this year has taught us anything, it is to appreciate essential workers because their jobs are immensely important.
The Black Lives Matter protests
This year has seen an increase in large scale political activism. The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor in the US and many others triggered a wave of protests across the world fighting against injustice and racism. The protests spread to around 60 countries and was a key moment of 2020, as it raised the issue of racism to the mainstream media, encouraged education, and raised awareness.
Coventry was just one of many city’s in the UK, ours taking place in Godiva Square. Many will agree this was one of the most touching moments of this year because for the first time in what seems like a long time, people united to take a stand against the systematic racism that prevails in today’s society.
End of the first lockdown
In March we saw the whole nation go into a national lockdown. For many, these few months were unpredictable and filled with anxiety. The end of first lockdown was significant because for a short period of the year, we got the chance to experience some sort of normality except for the masks, social distancing and the queues of course.
Shops were open, we could eat out with friends, toilet paper was back in stock, and even hand sanitisers were back to normal prices. This something to remember and celebrate because as we are currently facing a third wave of Covid-19, it gives us hope that things can be normal again and serves as a reminder of the good times we had during summer.
Seeing family and friends
One of the things people have missed the most, is seeing family and friends. Many hadn’t seen their loved ones for months. After being separated from them for three months, being able to spend time with the people who mean the most, is something we will never take for granted again. This year has made everyone realise it really is the little things in life, like being able to laugh, hug, eat and even argue with those we love. It is truly a blessing.
The vaccine (finally)
One of the greatest miracles this year is the fact a vaccine was produced for Covid-19. A process that usually takes over a year to be completed, had been done in less than a year. Scientists around the world have dedicated time and resources to give us hope that one day Covid-19 will not be an issue affecting billions of people around the world.
The UK was fortunate to be the first country in the world to produce two vaccines. The first Covid-19 vaccine was given to 91-year-old Margaret Keenan in Coventry at the University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire.
Surviving the academic year
Surviving the academic year has been the personal achievement of may students in the UK. As students, we face a lot of struggles on a regular basis, so when you add a whole pandemic in the middle of second semester, it is a wonder how we made it through, but we did and that is something to celebrate.
Coventry graduates told us what it’s like being part of the Class of 2020 and needless to say, it was hard. Getting through online lectures, social restrictions, exams, coursework, and the general instability of this year, has only served to make us stronger.
These are just a few of the memorable moments from this year. As we reflect back, it is important we remember the good, the bad and the, at times, ugly of this year and just revel in the fact we survived it. Here’s to 2021.