What it’s actually like to sleep with every sports society, from the people who’ve done it
The tea has officially been spilled
Earlier this week, we published our guide on what it's like to sleep with every single sports society. Apparently it caused a bit of a stir. Whoops.
So, to settle the debate, we decided that it would be best to get real people's testimonies on their sexy experiences with sport societies.
Disclaimer: These are all personal experiences between two people and don't reflect everyone on the team. Unless you're sharing tips. Which you probably are.
All names have been changed to ensure anonymity.
Bonnie, 19, Aerospace Engineering
"The first time was actually pretty good, however the second time we were way too drunk and it didn't quite deliver so much. There was more differentiation in positions but it was so awkward and clumsy. The first time I didn't actually know his name until I got back to the flat but I definitely remembered it after.
"The foreplay was fairly standard but the shining glory of his performance was his stamina during the event. Be very careful of deep purple hickeys though."
Amelia, 20, Journalism
"I was on top the whole time, it was 50/50 effort but he was lying down through the whole shebang. The foreplay was a little… over enthusiastic. Actually would've been better if he'd taken his time and care a bit more. I would still go back there though."
Stacy, 23, Geography
"What a beautiful man. Pretty good sex. Let's just say he was quite blessed too. I'd definitely get tennis elbow if I was dealing with that everyday. Downside was that because we got super bitey, I legit had a cut straight down my bottom lip for a week after. Bit vampire-ish but a vibe nonetheless."
Women's Rugby
Matthew, 18, Biomedical Science
"When it was promised it was always delivered. Unless you have just as dominant a personality, they will turn you into a play toy. I'm ashamed to admit this but this girl actually made me call HER daddy instead of the other way around. Don't know if my ego would ever let me go back there again but if it was based on the sex alone, it's worth a booty call or two."
Harry, 20, Event Management
"One of the more adventurous experiences of my life. She wanted to be as rough in the fuck as she was in the ruck (pardon the pun). I always had to make sure there were a few cans of red bull nearby because there were only very short breaks in between and sometimes it was hard to keep up."
Emily, 19, Sport Science
"The sex wasn't bad at all, but it wasn't phenomenal. Out of all the times I got with this guy I only would finish about 50% of them. He always refused to go down on me too which was kind of arrogant considering he would always expect me to go down on him. He used to have this thing about tying me up with his cricket tie and would only ever really do the standard doggy and missionary.
"At the time, I was pretty satisfied with my experience, hence why I kept going back there, although looking back on it, it probably could've been spicier."
American Football
Lucy, 21, Psychology
"The beauty of American Football was the upper body strength. He picked me up and pushed me up against a wall like I weighed literally nothing and that really got my blood pumping. Never felt so feminine in my life.
"He also threw me on the bed like a sack of potatoes and tbh I was sold. The foreplay was fast (in terms of movement, not timing) and a bit messy, if I could've I would've given a little guidance but I didn't want to kill the mood by telling him it felt like he was trying to catch flies with his tongue like a frog."
Jennifer, 22, Law
"So, embarrassing to admit but I've actually had experiences with two different guys from American Football. I was only ever disappointed one time but I feel mean to go into detail on that one.
"I've always had a decent time and I wouldn't say no to a repeat. The nice part was just how good looking they both were, but it definitely made me feel super self-conscious of my non-abs."
Alex, 19, Mechanical Engineering
"Decent head and decent sex, there's nothing to complain about. I can't really remember the whole thing but she had a really good bum so some of the positions we did were very satisfying shall we say."
Tom, 22, Graphic Design
"It took a while but once I'd broken down this girls barriers she was willing to let me live out all of my fantasies. She wasn't afraid to slip a finger round the back, or to let me slip other things in places usually off-limits."
Cheer and Dance
Mark, 20, Accounting and Finance
"What you see is what you get really. She was a right laugh and her foreplay game was strong. It only really went downhill when she stopped being nice to me because I wasn't going to stroke her ego all the time."
Dan, 19, Economics
"It was a tad standard, she just kind of lay there, which is fine but I'd have preferred a little more effort I suppose. But I do have to say her head game was strong and I couldn't fault it.
"The only real problem was that she was super loud and the whole house wasn't best pleased to be woken up to the soundtrack of our night of passion."
Max, 19, Spanish
"Funnily enough the standout position was cowgirl. Like the whole horse riding thing really does make a difference. It was an experience I can't actually complain about, she knew her way around a bedroom and when she gave head it was superb. She was super into choking and hair pulling which was kinda kinky I suppose."
Patrick, 20, International Relations
"Vanilla would be describing it generously. She didn't have a whole lot of previous experience and I feel bad to say it but you could really tell. She was just super nervous I think and wouldn't want to try anything new. It was hard to convince her into changing up positions. It's a shame because my teammate was also messing around with some of the equestrian lot and he had only positive things to say."
Natalie, 18, Psychology
"To be really honest, the sex was fairly average, and he didn't have the same stamina as he does on the pitch. His handy work was top notch though, like it really stood out. We also had really good chat, which made up for the whole thing, can't be shagging lads who are boring."
Jess, 19, Automotive Design
"Very good looking, the sex actually made me squirt which is kinda cool I suppose. There isn't really much else to say other than I definitely kept her around."
Mollie, 23, Business Management
"I can't remember much, as this was way back in first year, but I don't think it lasted very long. There wasn't a whole lot of experimentation but it did the job, I still finished. Kind of awkward because I just ghosted him after that but since then he's actually gotten really fit, sad times."
And there we have it ladies and gentleman, you've got your answers!