All the reasons why Lent is the best term at Cambridge University
New term, new me
As we reach the halfway point of Lent, it may seem like the only thing you can focus on is the brighter skies in the evening and the light at the other end of the tunnel – the Easter holidays. However, let’s be real, Easter isn’t exactly something to look forward to. With endless exams, no Rumboogie and piles of coursework on the other side, we shouldn’t be rushing towards a holiday which seems to be nothing more than a bad omen of things to come.

I will admit though, May Balls can be pretty fun
So, put your cosiest jumper on, make yourself a hot chocolate, and read my top reasons why Lent is the most fun time of the year (by Cambridge standards at least).
Working hard or hardly working?
When I asked my friends what their workload was like this term, there were mixed responses. Some were hounded with coursework deadlines the minute they laid eyes on the River Cam, whilst others seem to have almost no lectures at all – they can’t be skipping them, surely?
Whether you’re slaving away in the library until 3am or at Revs doing the same, Lent is a time for committing to what’s most important to you. If that’s your workload or the Cambridge clubbing scene (if it exists) is up to you.

Wild night in the JCR
Finding your footing
For any uncertain freshers still not sure where they sit in the Cambridge microcosm, Lent presents an amazing opportunity to try new things you didn’t get around to last term. Is there a society you wanted to check out last term but didn’t have the time? Or maybe a supervisor you want to impress – or have a deep chat with to avoid discussing your weekly essay?
Even second and third years can benefit from reinventing themselves. Make the most of the last term where the work you do doesn’t actually count to your degree! So join that society, annoy your supervisor and avoid doing your degree for as long as possible.

Head in a book
Go big or go home
It is easy to forget with the stress of the workload here that university is a fleeting experience, which – some condescending parents may say – is meant to be the best time of your life. So, despite the rain and the cold, try not to wish this term away. Capitalise on as many experiences as possible this Lent, whether they be academic, extra-curricular or social.
Just make sure to bring your torch with you if you’re going to be out after 4pm x