Why you should write for the Cambridge Tab this Easter
Low commitment, high reward
Haven’t you heard? The Cambridge Tab is recruiting new writers for Easter term! Though I’m sure you’re already rushing to fill in an application, here’s the top five reasons why you should write for Cambridge’s best student newspaper in case you’re not quite convinced.
Great experience
The Tab can certainly fast track you into a career in journalism, and many of our writers have been featured in the national press. But whether you’re a serious journalist or simply want to brag to your friends back home, the Tab is both a great CV booster and a fabulous way to fill the silence when your grandad asks what you’ve been doing at uni other than skipping your lectures.
From Jack’s tokens to free drinks for the team of the week, there’s no end of incentives to write for the Tab, especially if you’ve got a sweet tooth.

Jack’s makes the world go round
Distraction from revision
With the monotony of Easter term and its endless mind-maps, flashcards and past papers just around the corner, why not give yourself a procrastination method which is still – somewhat – productive so you don’t feel quite so guilty for running away from your revision.

She looks far too happy to be revising, maybe she’s going to write a Tab article afterwards?
A far cry from holing yourself up in your room with your laptop until exam season is over, the Tab makes sure you get out and about with the best socials Cambridge has to offer.
No experience? No problem!
‘But what if I’ve never written an article before?’ I hear you ask. Well, Michelangelo didn’t paint the Sistine Chapel until he was 33, so maybe you just haven’t found your true talent yet.
Whether you’ve never written an article before or have graced the front page of the Daily Mail more times than you can count, we want you!
Sign up to be a writer here.

Tab love all around
Feature image credits: Iris Rodgers